Posts Tagged ‘Sardine Art’

beat & fight double shot

Beat and fight the bully … never kowtow.

These will be handmade so if you used to get bullied bring me a white tshirt and I will make one for you on the spot and for free. Inbox me beforehand … 

By the way both versions will only come in white so that the blood you bleed, as you fight them goddamn bullies, shows.

Will soon reveal the story behind these or maybe not … let the bully in obscurity, cowardice and banality rot … yalla join the fight!

Sardine 2019

#sardineart #sardine #tshirts #fightthebully#antibullying #tee #tshirts #free #wild 

The Dark Side of the Spoon Ep.1

10 years later I finally got around to launching my webcomic.

Originally called The Dark Side Of The Spoon, and published in U Men magazine for 20 issues, I changed the title to The Darker Side Of The Spoon.

Why the change? When I first came up with the name, 10 years ago, I was rather inexperienced in doing online research in terms of branding and finding other name holders.

Call it my way of trying to right a wrong.

Still I couldn’t fully part ways with the title of my comic strip, which is why I replaced Dark with Darker. In a way the new title reflects how things got darker and darker with Mako and Meouch in the past few years.

Mind you: They are still as blatant, obnoxious and opinionated like their creator … Sardine!

This is the website:

Enjoy …

Hello all,

So according to a quick run through my WordPress stats I have 66 living and breathing beings following my blog.

I wish to thank you all for your interest in my words and false wisdom.

It has been a while since I posted anything worthwhile. In the past two years I took an oath not to partake in any political discourse or social critique.

Why? I am too busy drawing lines and chasing after my livelihood.

There are many things in life that you cannot shake off: You being a writer and a radio person.

It has been a good year – minus the French scenery in France and Marion Cotillard – if you know your cinema you will get the reference.

However, I am blessed with a woman who is as lovely as Marion. I don’t talk much about my personal life as I try to let my work talk about myself as much as I can.

So yes it has been a good year. I am now a news reader and editor at Bliss 104.3, where I find myself surrounded by creative decent people. I’ve been working on expanding my art studio F.A.D.A. 317 and a couple of other projects.

I also haven’t stopped doing graffiti. There is something liberating about spraying your lines on a wall in Amman – it cuts the middleman and places your work for observation by thousands of people.

Following an artistic cultural trip to the U.K., compliments of the British Council, I started a blog dedicated to graffiti.

I called  it Spray Rocket Ape: Graffiti JO + and even designed the banner – since my side career is now all about illustration.

Sprayrocketape banner by Mike V. Derderian

I have a thing for apes;-})

Anyway … time for me to get back to designing album art for a client.

So here is the link to Spray Rocket Ape and I hope I can get to blog a little more.

Stay sound and sane …

Mike V. Derderian, a.k.a. Sardine.

A couple of months ago I was contacted by Vladimir Palibrk, one of the founders of Risha Project, and asked to create a short comic.

Thank you Vladimir and Risha Project for this wonderful opportunity and for believing in my lines and words :-})

I wrote and drew 24 pages.

This is the link to the full and high resolution comic:

It was a fun project that gave me the chance to re-explore comics as a form and process.











In 2008 I wrote and drew a six paneled comic called The Dark Side of the Spoon for a magazine called U Men.

I cannot wait to get back to doing this full time and this was a great practice.

Hope you enjoy reading it :-})

Sardine, 2014

If I have never stopped playing guitar in 2003 I would have most probably ended up adopting the style of music that inspired this evening’s poster.

The Devil's Orchard - Opeth

Opeth’s The Devil’s Orchard has a classical timeless feel to it, especially when it comes to the guitar play. This is a song that you will continue to listen to for years to come.

The guitar echoes of despair, a human emotion that a lot of us experience every now and then; some more than others.

It reminded me of Chris Rea’s Nothing to Fear!


This is one reason why we often find solace in the despair of others – it makes us realize and without a doubt that we are all the same in the end.

This poster is a reflection of the official video. It comes part of my Cinerama, minimal series that I started producing a couple of years ago. Here is the link to the entire collection on Behance, Vol. I

By the way if you find my work interesting you can examine my artwork and updates on my Facebook page:


From within the darkest corners of despair man found his gods and demons.

Hope you find yours!

I am finding mine with every line I write; and every line I draw.

If you know anyone who wants something different pass on my e-mail to them: ;-})

This journalist, writer and illustrator is done fulfilling the dreams of ass wipes. Alas, this year I wasted two months on one major ass wipe. Never again! It is time for me to Catch The Rainbow as the song goes; my own rainbow.

A good day to all those who are following my lines, written and drawn. Thank you for your “Likes” and “Comments!” It means a lot to me.

Sardine, a.k.a. Mike V. Derderian, 2014

P.S: I am usually hush hush when it comes to business dealings and work experiences, especially bad ones, but this ass wipe deserved an honorable mention ;-})


A fish out of water!

“How did it get there?” someone asks, “why did it leave water?”

A few minutes later the fish out of water is still there.

“It probably can flip its way back into the water but it stays there.”

A few minutes later, an eternity in fish minutes, It stops moving.

It died different!

It died different!

from the play Fish, Shotguns and Empty Barrels.
by Manuel V. Derida, 1945

I haven’t written a movie review, or a blog post for that matter, in ages.

So here is a short one!

It would be great to do a comparative study of Kasabian’s Empire (2006) and The Charge of the Light Brigade by Tony Richardson (1968).


Empire’s color, light and texture is so reminiscent of the 1960s cinematography and the grainy texture that can be attributed to the manner by which a film stock is developed.

Both films, the music video and the motion picture, also present a case study of the lives of generals and soldiers in that era, in 1854, and of course the overall futility of war – I am thinking from an existential view point rather than a moral one.

Evil must be fought, however, sometimes those who give the orders are no less evil than the ones they are fighting.

Here is trailer for The Charge of the Light Brigade.


Guess this is my way of saying I really love Kasabian, their music and their approach to shooting music videos.

Honorable mention: Vlad The Impaler.


I apologize for not posting regularly but I’ve been going through a lot in terms of work and career changes.

I also been listening to more music part of my life as a radio Disc Jockey and news presenter at Radio Jordan’s 96.3 FM, The English Service.

My shows are on Mondays, Thursdays and Saturdays between 9:15 a.m. – 10:00 a.m.

Hope you are doing well in this crazy beautiful world that is plagued by blood thirsty idiots.

Good day all …

Mike V. Derderian

Writer & Illustrator

May 2014