Archive for the ‘The Fourth Wall’ Category

Hemingway On Safari

Dear Mr. Hemingway,

I hope this letters finds you well!

I am a big big fan. Maybe one of your biggest fans in the whole wide world.

I really love your writing style, your characterizations and short descriptive sentences. I am happy to say I was also a journalist but I did not get to participate in a devastating war like yourself and cover its brutal atrocities that are conducted under blatant meaningless nationalist heroics – thank God for that. War is stupid and so are the men who advocate it.

I really love how you write the world in which Nick Adams dwells. One day I hope to write my own book with my own character!

Anyway … I have a simple request … can you please change the ending of The Old Man And The Sea?

I felt it was rather bleak. In fact I am not the only one who feels this way. Everyone I know thinks likewise.

Why would you do such a thing to a hardworking fisherman like Santiago?

If you are not willing to change the ending I will start a petition calling for the publishers of your work to alter the ending.

I know a lot of people, like myself, who are also big big fans, and will go to extreme lengths to give good ol’ Santiago the ending he deserves.

Your one and only fan …

P.S. Apologies for the harsh final two lines but as an entitled and deserving fan I really want the best from you.

Helmut Winey Mach Fann

The Photograph is from The Earl Theisen Collection
Credit: Getty Images
Copyright: 1952 Earl Theisen


The Cat Piano

Posted: September 13, 2009 in The Fourth Wall


September 13, 2009

I have very recently completed a workshop about cats, which is quite a coincidence as the following movie happens to be about the lithe and little furry felines.

Cats, whether you like it or hate it, inhabit our neighborhoods. They can be found living under cars, around garbage containers and gardens; they are the gypsies of the animal kingdom.

The purpose of the workshop arranged by Interruptions was to create a cat friendly city. It was a collaborative effort between architects, artists, designers and writers; and the three day exhibition that followed at Makan, where it was held, was a hit.

We created concepts, products and brands, and a media campaign befitting these majestic animals that were belittled by the unmerciful hands of time, however, Eddie White and Ari Gibson, two imaginative directors from Down Under, created a very animate cat city inhabited by animated cats.

This cat city exists within the cat-chy notes coming from The Cat Piano.

I stumbled upon this award winning animation starring anthropomorphic cats through a Facebook link posted by an acquaintance. Now, who says that Facebook is not a useful communication tool!

Based on a poem written by White the 8-minute Film Noiresque animated short was produced by The People’s Republic of Animation. Guess who is doing the reading? Nick Cave from Nick Cave and the Bad Seeds.

The Cat Piano, basically an animated poetry reading accompanied by music and a very impressive one, follows a lonely beat poet cat, who finds himself stumbling upon a mystery that threatens the very existence and happiness of this cat haven laden with crooning cats, hooker cats, artist cats, strays and ordinary cats.

Cave’s voice, resonating with cynical and coarse masculinity, provides an ominous overture that is enhanced by Benjamin Speed’s lingering musical composition that is no less artistic and brilliant than the narration itself.

The original musical composition that comes out as a blend between jazz and oriental overtures, sizzled with percussions provide an ideal cadence for the poem. “Long ago my city’s luminous heart, beat with the song of four thousand cats / Crooners who shone in the moonlight mimicry of the spotlight / Jazz singers. Hip cats that went ‘Scat!’” the Beat Poet Cat proclaims.

Cave’s voice befits the beat poet’s, the main protagonist in this exceptional short. The poem by itself is quite musical thanks to White’s choice of vocabulary, alliteration and intelligent wordplay.

The cat piano, believe it or not, is for real and not a figment of White’s imagination. I found myself browsing the internet to know more about it. Apparently the cat piano, which is also known as a Katzenklavier, is a musical instrument that uses cats to produce music….or meowing.

The machination of this hellish instrument places a cat in a narrow compartment with its tail stretched out to its end. Attached to its keys are pointed hammers that pierce the tails of the confined cats when pressed.

It is believed that a German Jesuit Scholar by the name of Athanasius Kircher invented the Katzenklavier back in 1650.

The Cat Piano‘s storyline cleverly utilizes the concept of the Katzenklavier to address human cruelty towards animals from the viewpoint of a humanized cat.

“So you’ve heard of every instrument but? / Torn from your history books is this pianola, This harpsichord of harm. / The cruellest instrument to spawn from man’s grey cerebral soup,” the Beat Poet Cat continues.

Viewers will find themselves clinging to every word spewed by Cave and relating it to the passing imagery. The animation is more anime than conventional, which adds to the freshness of the narrated poem.

The short’s minimalistic visuals help focus the viewers’ attention to the bespoken narrative and characters involved. Keeping the backgrounds to a minimal was a brilliant choice, on part of Jason Pamment, the art director, and the directors, as the dark black to blue hue that shrouds the characters and cat city gives the short a dreamy feel.

White and Gibson left a few cinematic clues, for cinephiles that are found through the facades and personages of cat city, from movies like A Clockwork Orange and The Sound of Music. Pay attention to the fleeting backgrounds!

Intriguing, eerie and jovial are three words that describe the transition that this short undergoes, from soothing, contemplative and isolation, before reaching the grand finale.

I am glad that I have stumbled upon this extraordinary tail, which was created and executed by the highly imaginative writers, directors, animators, 3D visualists, colorists, musicians, sound designers and editors of The People’s Republic of Animation.

For more information about The Cat Piano and The People’s Republic of Animation visit:

The Fourth Wall: A Brief Prologue

Posted: September 12, 2009 in The Fourth Wall

The Fourth Wall

Instead of working on a comic strip’s storyline and storyboards that I am supposed to send out on September 21st to Lebanon I found myself writing my first online movie review.

Having worked in the print media sector for too long I found the transition a bit uneasy. To be honest with you after six years of deadlines and automated writing assignments I found it even harder to maintain the strict writing discipline under which I worked at a local English language newspaper, and that enabled me to produce, at one point, four to five different articles per week.

I am now a freelance-fulltime writer. Not having an agitated managing editor waiting on the other side of this cyber connection for an 800 – 1000 words piece is quite a relief but also a major disincentive.

Writing is not a mood related activity as much as it is about discipline. A person I worked with once wondered how I manage to write when I am surrounded by people. That very same person cancelled a writing assignment we were supposed to do for a cartoon series on the grounds that his creativity went on a coffee break.

Writing is about flipping open your computer screen, booting up the damn thing, opening a Microsoft Word document and start writing the words preceding the flashing bar. Apologies to all the pro handwriting individuals but I stopped using a pencil and pad since 2003.

I wrote about everything that you can or can’t imagine. I wrote about medicine, politics, economy, people, art, literature, music and of course one of my main passions in life: Movies, which will be the essence of this online corner of the cyber world.

The one thing that you will notice upon reading my reviews is that I rarely include spoilers. Watching a movie is like unwrapping a gift; what’s the use if you already knew what you were receiving?

Consider the above my first online prologue for a series of movie reviews and seventh art pieces that I will write under the title, The Fourth Wall.

Hope you enjoy my writings…

Mike V. Derderian,

September 13, 2009